Here are a few examples:

St. Catherine's Court

The Approach

Stoke Orchard

Glynstell Industrial and Retail Park
St. Catherine's Court
- 30,000 sq. ft office development on a derelict brownfield site
- First office building in central Bristol to achieve BREEAM excellent
- Biodiversity increased by over 50%
- Over 10 years later, the building remains attractive to occupiers through quality design, efficient building systems, outdoor spaces, and connectivity
The Approach
- Up to 200,000 sq. ft offices planned to exceed building regulations
- Adjacent to Bristol Parkway station and on the metrobus network. Extensive cycle to work facilities, and EVC points all providing extensive travel options
- Significant renewable energy generation coupled with highly efficient energy systems
Stoke Orchard
- Housing development designed around energy efficiency and wellbeing
- Carbon neutral community centre, waterside leisure, children’s play and sports facilities and home-zone principles
- Innovative landscaping which reduced flood risk while significantly increasing biodiversity
- Delivered in partnership with Bloor Homes
Glynstell Industrial and Retail Park
- Major refurbishment of three multi-let industrial and retail warehouse blocks improving the EPC from E/F to a B rating
- Removal of highly inefficient lighting and heating with contributions to fund tenant fitout using efficient plant and fittings
- Now fully let to 5 sector diverse businesses
Social value
Tackling climate change
Projects in focus
Social Responsibility
We have a proud history of making positive social, environmental and economic change